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Pokemon X and Y (Generation VI)



  • I'm getting Y because my girlfriend's getting X. Also because Yveltal looks badass.
  • ...damn it I might have to get this now.
  • I'm getting Y because I tend to get the one with warmer colors on the cover.
  • I am going to go with whichever exclusive mega I like the most when I get around to picking it up.
  • I picked X a while back because majestic deer > veiny bird thing. Also because adding "X" to a title is scientifically proven to make it ten times more badass, clearly.
  • I got a Y because "Why" not, right?
    I got nothing guys.
  • I picked X a while back because majestic deer > veiny bird thing.
    This is my reasoning.
  • As has become tradition, I'm buying both and letting my brother have first pick. He's leaning towards Y, but that could change. He hasn't seen the game specific Charizards yet.
  • I'm so stoked I'm not sleeping till I have my copy (working third shift yes that is a challenge)
  • What version is everyone getting and why?
    "Hand me whichever version is closest to you."
  • Still haven't beaten Pokemon Black. I'd go back to it, but Rune Factory. Just got a ton of cooking bread and learned a fuckton of recipes. Pickling all the turnips. Gotta learn how to bake cakes so I can give them to Forte.
  • Rune Factory really is a work of genius. I was so disappointed with every Harvest Moon after the SNES and it fills that niche so beautifully.
  • I will pick up both and let my daughter choose.
  • Does anyone know the download size? The store I was going to get my games from will not have them until Tuesday.
  • Does anyone know the download size? The store I was going to get my games from will not have them until Tuesday.
    Apparently 1.4 gigs or 14,000 nonsense blocks.

  • Is there street pass?
  • Is there street pass?
    Yes. I haven't read up on what it does, though.

    Also, you can finally finally FINALLY get event things from a store from within the game, without having to go back to the main menu.
  • I gotta say, Super Training is actually pretty well done. Once you get the "Hardest" level, it takes about half an hour or so, apparently, to max out a pokemon (not including leveling). They also (finally) included a way to reset EVs so you can "fix" Pokemon you've been using.
  • The best update? Saving. I hated that saving used to take up to three minutes. Now it's like barely even noticeable.
  • Oh my god...oh my god, I've played all the pokemon games till now, and this one..this one recaptures all my feels from generation 1 as a it the 3D models and animations? The fact that they have so many great details in their movement and attacks? Is it the fact I can bloody pet and play with any pokemon I catch? (Huge fan of incorporating some form of tactile interaction) Or maybe its just how the game LOOKS, and how sleek and accessible the interface is now, they cut away a lot of the fat that's always been niggling at me: having to select the switch button from a menu to move pokemon around (now you just drag and drop), having to drop an item back into the backpack before giving it to another (now you can do a quick swap from the menu directly), and the save time is just instant. Love the new minigames which directly incorporate the ideas of Effort Values into the game, although I feel they should had still explained it better. I've only played 2hrs thus far so I know, there's a ton more coming.

    I just upgraded from the DS to the 3DS XL, and it's almost as if it's a whole new bloody universe of ease and presentation

    Also the first pokemon I encountered and caught was a bloody pidgey. Goddamn I havent seen a pidgey at the starting point since Fire Red.

  • Also the first pokemon I encountered and caught was a bloody pidgey. Goddamn I havent seen a pidgey at the starting point since Fire Red.
    Heh funnily enough a pidgey was my first pokemon encountered in Kalos and my first capture as well. I've just beaten the first gym, now to meet Sycamore!
  • Same here! Just finished meeting Sycamore (swag-ass Bulbasaur get).
  • I'm having the best time playing this. Like lifecircle said, its really cut away a lot of crap. My favourite thing so far is that the Exp. Share affects the your whole party, so there feels like there is a lot less grinding. I'm also loving the amount of variety of Pokemon available in every area. I'm not even trying to catch every Pokemon in every area, just what ever new ones pop up when running through long grass and I've already filled 1 and a half boxes and I'm not even at the second gym yet!
  • edited October 2013
    I've got the first badge, but I'm a good deal further than that implies, I think. You get your first badge relatively quickly, but the gap between that and the next badge seems pretty big from where I'm at right now (just after wakin' up ol' Borlax). Probably just because the locations between here and wherever the second gym is are pretty expansive and jam-packed with stuff to explore. Seriously, after the first gym, you get to explore half of the gargantuan Lumiose City, another small town, a small castle, and a SECOND castle complete with giant-ass palace grounds, plus a couple long grass/trainer-infested routes in between. And in addition to all the regular game content, futzing around in Super Training and Pokemon-Amie can suck up a bunch of your time if you let it, too. AND the variety of Pokemon available in all the wild grasses is so big and their animations are all so cute/cool that you'll want to go wandering around making sure you see everything there is to see in there.

    So yeah. They are definitely making sure you get your game's worth of content in this one.

    EDIT: Oh, also, I got challenged to my first random wifi battle. Kind of felt bad for kicking the dude's ass. Man, I'm not good at competitive Pokemon, but this dude didn't even know, like, the basics of predicting your opponent. Ah well. Still got to swap O-Powers, generic Nintendo compliments, and a random trade afterward, so I guess he wasn't sore about it, at least.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • The HORDE!!!!

    I encountered a horde of 5 Scraggy. All were low level but they kept using Sand Attack and Leer on my Pokemon!
  • edited October 2013
    I'm going to make a confession. I have never finished a Pokemens game. I was a wee too old (I'm 34 now) for my friends to really be into it with me so my love kind of died on the vine and I'm not too sure it can be raised again.

    I do enjoy reading this thread though!
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • I may actually fucking buy a 3DS for this game.

    God dammit.
  • I may actually fucking buy a 3DS for this game.

    God dammit.
  • I know the Japanese aren't exactly good with avoiding stereotypes, but could they not have put two cafes next door to each other?
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