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Palin, Please Go Away.



  • It seems odd that Palin is attacking Obama for an incredibly loose connection to William Ayers when she is married to a former member of the Alaskan Independence movement who played and continues to play a large role in her political career.
  • "It would be fun to meet her, imitate her and keep on giving her new material."
    Well, at least she's a good sport about it.
  • I found this on the side of the internet. ;)

  • The Bush administration says she's not relevant enough for a security briefing.

    Looks like the press is having a good time with this one. XD
  • I found this on the side of the internet. ;)
    What have I told you about sticking fridge magnets to the side of the internet. Anyway, I lol'd.
  • Watch to the end:
  • Oh man, I wish I could do that and not get arrested for it.
  • Somehow Palin doesn't think that there were any negative comments at her rallies.


    Apparently, "kill him!" "communist!" and racial slurs don't count as "negative" in her book.
  • ...folks have hollered out some pretty atrocious and unacceptable things like "kill him" or some, we have not heard that.
    I'm under the impression that she just wasn't paying attention.
  • ...folks have hollered out some pretty atrocious and unacceptable things like "kill him" or some, we have not heard that.
    I'm under the impression that she just wasn't paying attention.
    Not paying attention to her own rally and supporters? Now there is a candidate that cares! Also, the media has pointed it out, and they still deny it. It isn't a lack of attention, it is flat out denial.
  • edited October 2008
    I don't know if anyone here actually watches SNL anymore (I myself rarely do), but apparently last night's "Palin Rap" performed by Amy Poehler was, in fact, actually supposed to be performed by Sarah Palin, who pretty much dropped the ball at the very last second (if you saw the episode, that, "I'm not going to go through with it") was completely unplanned. Poehler jumped up and completely the entire thing via teleprompter to save the rest of the Update.

    If that rap was supposed to grab Palin some PR cred with the youth segment, she really messed up by not doing it. The point is more-or-less moot to me, though; I'm a Yippie.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2008
    apparently last night's "Palin Rap" performed by Amy Poehler was, in fact, actually supposed to be performed by Sarah Palin, who pretty much dropped the ball at the very last second (if you saw the episode, that, "I'm not going to go through with it") was completely unplanned. Poehler jumped up and completely the entire thing via teleprompter to save the rest of the Update.
    Do you have a source for this? I watched the performance and Poehler sure fooled me into thinking she rehearsed it.
    Post edited by csrjjsmp on

  • Do you have a source for this? I watched the performance and Poehler sure fooled me into thinking she rehearsed it.
    I think it could be because, after so many years, they've become really good at improv.
  • apparently last night's "Palin Rap" performed by Amy Poehler was, in fact, actually supposed to be performed by Sarah Palin, who pretty much dropped the ball at the very last second (if you saw the episode, that, "I'm not going to go through with it") was completely unplanned. Poehler jumped up and completely the entire thing via teleprompter to save the rest of the Update.
    Do you have a source for this? I watched the performance and Poehler sure fooled me into thinking she rehearsed it.
    It's more or less hearsay. Although, it could have all been written in, but after watching and performing improv for going on five years now, I don't doubt the capability of Amy Poehler to pull something like that off, especially when she's rapped on that show for so many sketches.
  • Here's a great article that proves without a doubt that Palin is a lying sack of crap.
  • Did you see where she spent $150,000 on clothes and make-up on the republican's dime? Or that she made Alaska pay for her kid's travel expenses? Or that she thinks the VP is "in charge" of the Senate?
  • I found this on the side of the internet. ;)
    I'm going to print that and stick it on my laptop.
  • Christ Matthews is on fire lately. First he has Michelle Bachman self-destruct, now he destroys Nancy Pfotenhauer and by proxy Sarah Palin:

  • Christ Matthews is on fire lately. First he has Michelle Bachman self-destruct, now he destroys Nancy Pfotenhauer and by proxy Sarah Palin:
    That was amazing.
    Oh, I love the actual title of that video: "Chris Matthews Schools Another Republican." That just added a lot to an already great video.
  • As opposed to Palin, Obama doesn't worry too much about his clothes. Be sure to look at the pictures of him wearing shoes with holes in the soles.
  • As opposed to Palin,Obama doesn't worry too much about his clothes.Be sure to look at the pictures of him wearing shoes with holes in the soles.
    When you have so much substance and natural style, I guess you don't have to put as many baubles on to look appealing to the masses.
  • Holy shit in a waffle-iron. Palin doesn't or doesn't want to categorize abortion clinic bombers as terrorists:

  • Holy shit in a waffle-iron. Palin doesn't or doesn't want to categorize abortion clinic bombers as terrorists:
    Of course not. In conservative's twisted viewpoint, they aren't terrorists. They're "God warriors".


    Now I just watched a movie on the Weather Underground, and while three people were killed in the tons of bombs set off, they specifically tried to make sure no people were around. Abortion Clinic Bombers don't always do this, not to mention the guys who take shots at doctors.

    FUCK YOU Sarah Palin, Apparently people are only terrorists if they disagree with you.
  • FUCK YOU Sarah Palin, Apparently people are only terrorists if they disagree with you.
    No, anyone who works, say, at an abortion clinic is not an innocent American. So if someone blows them up, no harm done.
  • Wait, so it is okay to bomb "guilty" Americans? Guilty of what, Mrs. Palin? Can I go bomb a prison? Can I go bomb an all boy's sleep away camp (you know they are touching themselves, are they innocent)? What happened to due process and banning cruel and unusual punishment. This women is a heartless idiot. Her down syndrome baby has more intelligence than she does. Wow, when retarded babies would make a better VP pick something is not right.
  • And I, for one, welcome our new fuckwit overlords and I'd like to remind them that as a trusted internet personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground recession caves.
  • edited October 2008
    Now, she will anger all smart people in the world.
    Did I mention that I love fruit flies? They are so cute when mutated :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
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