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Oculus Rift



  • edited January 2016
    What hath Oculus wrought?


    Also the conspiracy theories about Facebook driving up the price are already flying thick and fast, as are people declaring it dead in the water at that price point. Which I think is hilarious, considering that the PS3 was a blonde one over a thousand here when it launched, and it still flew off shelves so fast you'd swear they came with a ticket for free blowjobs.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2016
    Churba said:

    Also the conspiracy theories about Facebook driving up the price are already flying thick and fast, as are people declaring it dead in the water at that price point. Which I think is hilarious, considering that the PS3 was a blonde one over a thousand here when it launched, and it still flew off shelves so fast you'd swear they came with a ticket for free blowjobs.

    Similarly people said "Who the fuck is gonna buy a $150 controller" regarding the Elite. Microsoft had the same mentality. And then all of a sudden there was an unanticipated shortage.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • MATATAT said:

    Similarly people said "Who the fuck is gonna buy a $150 controller" regarding the Elite. Microsoft had the same mentality. And then all of a sudden there was an unanticipated shortage.

    Yep. People with no understanding of how business works complaining because they got their hopes up, and now can't afford the latest shiny kit despite feeling entitled to it.

  • edited January 2016
    $600 is steep but not outrageous considering how much a TV or good monitor costs.

    From that point of view, it sits in a good spot. It doesn't mean it's cheap.

    Personally I'm tempted to pre order, but I'm also not sure if I wanna commit those funds at the moment, so it's one of those things.

    As for the rift falling into the fad category... I'm thinking we're finally reaching a point where there's enough apps and options and uses that as a general purpose viewing platform it will find daily use for some
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • SWATrous said:

    $600 is steep but not outrageous considering how much a TV or good monitor costs.

    Or, for that matter, how much you spent on the PC required to drive it properly.
  • SWATrous said:

    Personally I'm tempted to pre order, but I'm also not sure if I wanna commit those funds at the moment, so it's one of those things.

    You are not charged the amount until your unit actually ships, which is at the minimum May at this point I think.
  • edited January 2016
    Andrew said:

    SWATrous said:

    Personally I'm tempted to pre order, but I'm also not sure if I wanna commit those funds at the moment, so it's one of those things.

    You are not charged the amount until your unit actually ships, which is at the minimum May at this point I think.
    I thought so, it's more of just a "Will I be liquid-enough in May? Do I really think I should set aside that dosh-load for 4-6 months and is that the best use of those monies?"

    In one sense I do want. I have this Oculus Gear VR and it's awesome but fundamentally a fetus by comparison. Or a newborn perhaps at best. But the nexus of want and need and ability to either is a gulf I havn't explored for this case fully. And for many people that might also be the case considering the impending doom of tax season.

    In past years when I was all-but-guaranteed to be seeing a decent tax refund I'd be on that shit day-one. But this year I'm gonna owe a fuckload. I just don't know, with the exchange rates and all, how much the Govt is defining fuckloads these days.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • How much do people expect Oculus to get better or drop in price in the next year or two? I really want one but $600 is so much.
  • Ikatono said:

    How much do people expect Oculus to get better or drop in price in the next year or two? I really want one but $600 is so much.

    I think they announced this initial price was going to be steep for the general public.

    I hope they don't do this but it seems logical to do a yearly upgrade and keep it at around $500 and $600 with controller of some sort with added functionality on each revision.

    Also depends on how much of a fight the Vive puts up. I can't see them doing this Apple like attack on consumers.
  • Ikatono said:

    How much do people expect Oculus to get better or drop in price in the next year or two? I really want one but $600 is so much.

    Even if I had a computer to power it, I don't think I'd spend so much on any first generation accessory like this. If, in the future, it becomes a standalone product or drops in price by half, then it might be worth it for me. Maybe.
  • Talking out my ass here: I could definitely see this dropping in half, but not in several years, not one.
  • I wouldn't mind paying the same price for something that doesn't need a $1000 computer attached!
  • You can get around the cost of the hardware. I don't think I'm bold in saying that Oculus is settings the benchmark for 'next gen' graphics. HD x2 (practical stereoscopy).

    The Xbone and PZfurr weren't much of a step up in hardware. The Oculus capitalises on what PC's can actually do. All those gamers with Geforce Titans and playing Paper Please, now have an excuse for all that power.

    Alternatives to Oculus:

    Samsung Gear VR
    Google cardboard
    PlayStation VR

    HTC Vive I'm guessing would cost more than Oculus (speculation) and would still require an equally spec-ed PC.

    Microsoft Hololens... that's a different story.
  • Google Cardboard is an intro to VR there is very little interaction compared to Vive and Oculus Rift, it has only one button.

    Samsung Gear VR has a few more buttons.

    Don't know about Playstation VR.

    There are so many monitors (which are peripherals) that cost the same or more than the Oculus however you need a computer attached for them to work same with 3d printers and multiple other peripherals.
  • Yes. I know. But this is for ME. Guess what I would also like but don't have? 5k monitors, 3D printers and multiple other peripherals.
  • Choose wisely
  • 3D printer any day!
  • Given that I have enough disposable income right now to afford it, and that every time I read an Oculus/Vive article I finish thinking "oh my god I want that thing on my face right now," I'll pretty certainly be buying one of the two when they come out.
  • 3D printer any day!

    Which printers have you been looking at?

    I've had my eye on this RepRap for a while

    Only it seems to lack self-calibration.
  • I don't have anything in mind right now, mainly because I don't have the disposable income. I've just had a massive surprise tax bill and just applied for a new apartment, so money is tight.

    But I'd want a printer that is big enough to make juggling equipment, and probably with two nozzles/colours. And I have zero interest in building it myself from a kit. That means I'm already looking at about €2000 minimum. That's more than an Oculus Rift and PC powerful enough to run it... and I'm not even into computer games that much.

    So in reality, my next big purchase is going to be a new MacBook Pro when the Skylake versions come out later this year to replace my current MacBook Pro which turns 6 years old in April. That model should be able to power a 4k or 5k monitor, so I'm probably going to get one of them to use at home. I've saved about €4000 for that purchase, and I hope to keep that in my bank account despite any other unexpected outlays.
  • edited January 2016
    What kind of size envelope are you looking at then for juggling equip? I don't wanna derail off into a 3D printer thread but I'm curious. I'm thinking of upgrading from my upgraded Replicator 2 at some point and I like to see what people have been finding.

    Are you already comfortable with modeling and designing the parts you'd want printed? That's going to be the big hurdle for most, but one you can tackle with the equipment you have now most likely. There's nothing special or proprietary to making 3D geometry that will end up in the printer, its just the slicing that will be printer specific, so if you havn't already maybe spend some time doing that bit while you're waiting for a bot. Until you have designs to print, there isn't a whole lot that the bots can do besides novelty printing of existing data which in most cases isn't a great reason to have a printer IMO. Especially not a $2000 one.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • So the first shipments come at the end of March. So say I wait until April to put some money down, are they still preorders with those included games? Or do you lose Eve Valkyrie after that first shipment?
  • 40cm x 40cm x 50cm would probably be enough for juggling equipment. I know the work is in the design, and I could just do that anyway and send off the designs to be printed elsewhere. But we're talking about wish-list item of €2000 that I'm not going to buy anyway, so why not dream?
  • There's gonna be Puppy Bowl stuff on the Gear VR. Nice.
  • It appears that there is going to be a VR version of desert bus for all the most popular VR platforms.
  • I want a VR version of Red Alert, but that's just me I'm sure.
  • SWATrous said:

    I want a VR version of Red Alert, but that's just me I'm sure.

    LOL I'm pretty sure you could just rig it up to play like a movie, I wonder if you could just replace the need for a monitor eventually.
  • edited January 2016
    Well, that's certainly do-able. I envision at a point just watching all my crap via an oculus setup as long as I can precisely position the lenses so I don't have focal issues. Also for users with strabismus like myself, I hope that can be corrected for easily as well. I've seen mention of it here and there but never a definitive "you'll be able to dial each eyeball into perfect sync with both hardware as well as the software." so I'm not sure.

    For RTS games, what would be interesting is a 3D environment shell GUI for RTS games that makes it look like the game is playing on a screen on a table that you're standing around like some general commanding troops on a map.

    Actually kindof like the loading screen for the Red Alert level editor.

    Same could go for other genres like arcade games? Maybe that already is how it goes.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
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